[Update]: Holy Night Visitor, Gremory has received new evolutions.
See here for more details: https://bit.ly/3Wmt8Td
Holy Night Gift, TAMADRA and Green Dracoblader of the Holy Night, Selica have received new Evolutions, and new monsters including Great Witch of the Star Jumper, Fasca and Fated Love Scarlet Dragon Caller, Tsubaki have received Assist Evolutions!
In addition, monsters such as Great Witch of the Holy Gates, Saline and Yog-Sothoth, the Holy Night One have received upgrades as well!
See here for more details on the Christmas Event: https://bit.ly/3j9HmI5
Holy Night Visitor, Gremory is scheduled to receive evolutions that contain Devil, God, and Attacker types. Please stay tuned for further information.

Leader Skill Damage Reduction Rate: 50%

Leader Skill Damage Reduction Rate: 50%

Leader Skill Damage Reduction Rate: 75%

Leader Skill Damage Reduction Rate: 50%

Leader Skill Damage Reduction Rate: 75%

The following monsters have received upgrades! Please check in-game for more details on each upgrade.
Upgraded Monsters
Great Witch of the Holy Gates, Saline
Sleepy Magical Hat, Khoza
Great Witch of the Holy Gates, Saline's Snow Globe
Green Dracoblader of the Holy Night, Selica
Selica's Bonsai Christmas Tree
Green Dracoblader of the Holy Night, Selica's Snow Globe
Mistress of the Sanctuary, Kali
Holy Night Visitor, Gremory
Holy Night Guest, Gremory
Holy Night Greeter, Gremory
Holy Night Greeter, Gremory's Snow Globe
Yog-Sothoth, the Holy Night One
Yog-Sothoth, the Holy Night One's Snow Globe
Holy Night Red Dragon Caller, Sonia
Lively Banquet Dragon Hero, Liu Bei
Dragon Hero of the Holy Feast, Liu Bei
Dragon Hero of the Holy Feast, Liu Bei's Snow Globe
Holy Light Flame Angel, Uriel
Holy Light Flame Angel, Uriel's Snow Globe
Warrior General of the Holy Festival, Xiahou Dun
Xiahou Dun's Festive Liuyedao
Warrior General of the Holy Festival, Xiahou Dun's Snow Globe
Holy Night Santa Claus, Hera
Holy Ritual Ninja Princess, Hatsume
Holy Ritual Ninja Princess, Hatsume's Snow Globe
Holy Rites Mistress, Echidna
Enchantress of the Sanctuary, Siren
Sightseeing Sorceress, Ars Paulina
Holy Night Hell Phantom Heiress, Romia
Holy Festival's Hell Phantom Heiress, Romia
Holy Festival's Hell Phantom Heiress, Romia's Snow Globe
Holy Night Hell Demon, Scarlet
Holy Night Hell Demon, Scarlet's Snow Globe
Holy Festival God of Dark Riches, Osiris
Holy Festival God of Dark Riches, Osiris' Snow Globe
Wonderstruck Traveling Merchant, Polowne
Wonderstruck Traveling Merchant, Polowne's Snow Globe
Twinkling Star Magical Machinist, Menoa
Twinkling Star Magical Machinist, Menoa's Snow Globe
Holy Night Courier, Claíomh Solais
Holy Night Courier, Claíomh Solais' Snow Globe
Goddess of the Sanctuary, Freyja
Goddess of the Sanctuary, Freyja's Snow Globe
Christmas Tree Spirit, Alraune
Puzzle & Dragons Christmas Tree
Holy Night Gift, TAMADRA
Holy Night Gift, TAMADRA's Snow Globe
Holy Night Ash Phantom Demon, Ilmina
Holy Thought Ash Phantom Demon, Ilmina
Overjoyed Ash Phantom Demon, Ilmina
Overjoyed Ash Phantom Demon, Ilmina's Snow Globe
Holy Night Kirin Princess, Sakuya
Astral Bell Kirin Princess, Sakuya
Astral Bell Kirin Princess, Sakuya's Snow Globe
Kouryu Emperor of the Holy Feast, Fagan
Pixel Kouryu Emperor of the Holy Feast, Fagan
Kouryu Emperor of the Holy Feast, Fagan's Snow Globe
Holy Night Divine Elemental, Genie
Holy Night Divine Elemental, Genie's Snow Globe
Holy Night Siblings, Castor & Pollux
Holy Night Siblings, Castor & Pollux's Snow Globe
Holy Ritual Love Deity, Venus
Holy Ritual Love Deity, Venus' Snow Globe
Holy Night Messenger, Santa Claus
Holy Night Messenger, Santa Claus' Snow Globe
Sanctuary Messenger, Archangel
PAD Christmas Stocking
Holy Ritual Psychopomp Princess, Grida
Holy Ritual Psychopomp Princess, Grida's Snow Globe
Snow Star Byakko, Haku
Powder Snow Byakko, Haku
Snow Star Byakko, Haku's Snow Globe
Powder Snow Byakko, Haku's Snow Globe
Holy Night Witch, Lilith
*All stats shown are when monsters are at Lv. Max, and Skill Lv. Max.
*All images and data displayed are in development and may be adjusted if necessary.
*If the changes are not displayed in-game, please try exiting the app completely and rebooting your device.