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Fest Exclusive Heroine Series Returns!

[Update] 2/19: The Heroine Fever! and Quest arrive! See here for more details:

[Duration]: 2/17, 18:00 - 3/3, 17:59 (PST)

The popular Godfest Exclusive Heroine series returns to Puzzle & Dragons with Special Dungeons, Egg Machines, and Monster Exchange!

See below for more details on this exciting event!

New Evolutions & Upgrades

Newly added monsters such as Yin-Yang Throwing Star Princess, Kilika have received Assist Evolutions! 

In addition, select monsters have received upgrades!

See here for more details:

10 Magic Stones! Fest Exclusive Heroine Egg Machine

[Duration]: 2/17, 18:00 - 3/3, 17:59 (PST)

The special Rare Egg Machine, Fest Exclusive Heroine Egg Machine, arrives for a limited time!

This time, new monsters such as Great Witch's Disciple, Mar and Flail Princess, Fiamare will be added to the lineup!

That's not all! The Bonus Egg Machine, which is granted for doing 5 pulls at once, will include monsters such as Assault Vessel Steel Star Goddess, Kuvia and Joyful Countess, Runelis! 

*All monsters from this Egg Machine will arrive at Max Level, fully Awoken, and +297 (+99 HP, +99 ATK, +99 RCV).

*Check in-game for a full list of the 10 Magic Stones! Fest Exclusive Heroine Egg Machine lineup.

Fest Exclusive Heroine Login Stamp Arrives! 

[Duration]: 2/17, 18:00 - 3/3, 17:59 (PST)

For the duration of this event, collect special Login Stamps!

According to the number of days you log in during the event, rewards such as the Fest Exclusive Heroine Egg Machine will be sent to your in-game mail!

Limited-Time Egg Machine Bundles!

For a limited time, special Egg Machine bundles will be available for purchase at the Magic Stone Shop!

Check below for details of each bundle!

2 Magic Stones & Fest Exclusive Heroine Egg Machine

[Duration 1]: 2/17, 18:00 - 2/24, 17:59 (PST)

[Duration 2]: 2/24, 18:00 - 3/3, 17:59 (PST)

Price: $1.99 (USD) 

Bundle Contents:

  • 2 Magic Stones

  • Fest Exclusive Heroine Egg Machine

30 Magic Stones & ★7+ Fest Exclusive Heroine Egg Machine

[Duration]: 2/17, 18:00 - 3/3, 17:59 (PST)

Price: $29.99 (USD)

Bundle Contents:

  • 30 Magic Stones

  • ★7+ Fest Exclusive Heroine Egg Machine

  • Grimoire Bookmark

★What is the Grimoire Bookmark?

Grimoire Bookmark is obtainable as a first-time clear reward from the Story Dungeon, Fest Heroine Chapter. This monster is required to perform Reincarnated Evolution on Ash Phantom Demon of Deliverance, Ilmina to turn into Ash Phantom Demon of Friendship, Ilmina.

20 Magic Stones & Fest Exclusive Heroine Pattie Egg Machine

[Duration]: 2/17, 18:00 - 3/3, 17:59 (PST)

Price: $19.99 (USD) 

Bundle Contents:

  • 20 Magic Stones

  • Fest Exclusive Heroine Pattie Egg Machine

Orb Skin

When a player receives Fairy King's Maid, Pattie for the first time, the Monster Types Orbs Skin will be unlocked!

20 Magic Stones & Fest Exclusive Heroine Lou Egg Machine

[Duration]: 2/17, 18:00 - 3/3, 17:59 (PST)

Price: $19.99 (USD) 

Bundle Contents:

  • 20 Magic Stones

  • Fest Exclusive Heroine Lou Egg Machine

Orb Skin

When a player receives Rabbit Goddess' Companion, Lou for the first time, the Slimie Orbs Skin will be unlocked!

30 Magic Stones & Fest Exclusive Heroine Aura Egg Machine

[Duration]: 2/17, 18:00 - 3/3, 17:59 (PST)

Price: $29.99 (USD) 

Bundle Contents:

  • 30 Magic Stones

  • Fest Exclusive Heroine Aura Egg Machine

  • 5x Event Medal - Black


When a player receives Goddess of Daybreak, Aura for the first time, the Fest Exclusive Heroine BGM Set will be unlocked!

30 Magic Stones & Fest Exclusive Heroine Claudia Egg Machine

[Duration]: 2/17, 18:00 - 3/3, 17:59 (PST)

Price: $29.99 (USD) 

Bundle Contents:

  • 30 Magic Stones

  • Fest Exclusive Heroine Claudia Egg Machine

  • 5x Event Medal - Black


When a player receives Silver Machinist, Claudia for the first time, the Fest Exclusive Heroine BGM Set 2 will be unlocked!

30 Magic Stones & Fest Exclusive Heroine Mar Egg Machine

[Duration]: 2/17, 18:00 - 3/3, 17:59 (PST)

Price: $29.99 (USD) 

Bundle Contents:

  • 30 Magic Stones

  • Fest Exclusive Heroine Mar Egg Machine

  • 300,000 MP


When a player receives Great Witch's Disciple, Mar for the first time, the Monster Enhancement [Fest Exclusive Heroine] badge will be available!

*All monsters from the Egg Machines included in the bundles above will arrive at Max Level, fully Awoken, and +297 (+99 HP, +99 ATK, +99 RCV).

Limited-Time Monsters Available at the Monster Exchange!

[Duration]: 2/17, 18:00 - 3/3, 23:59 (PST)

For the duration of this event, an array of Fest Exclusive Heroine monsters will be available in the Monster Exchange!

Monsters Available for Exchange (Partial)

Dark Night Moon Dragon Caller, Satsuki (One-Time Only)

Ash Phantom Demon of the Library, Ilmina (One-Time Only)

Pop-up Picture (Romia) (One-Time Only)

Pop-up Picture (Ilmina) (One-Time Only)

Grimoire of Memories (One-Time Only)

*See the Event category in the Monster Exchange during the event for full details on the exchange conditions.

Heroine Fever! and Quest Arrive!

[Duration]: 2/21, 0:00 - 3/2, 23:59 (PST)

The Fever Mode Ranking Dungeon, Heroine Fever!, arrives!

The Event Quest, Heroine Fever Quest, will be available as well!

Cooperate with everyone on the server to get various rewards!

See here for more details:

Fest Exclusive Heroine Quest

[Duration]: 2/17, 18:00 - 3/3, 17:59 (PST)

For the duration of the event, the Event Quest, Fest Exclusive Heroine Quest, will be available to challenge!

Try your hand at various event dungeons and get rewards!

See how to play Event Quests here:

Quest Level Rewards

Players will receive 1 Magic Stone for each Quest Level cleared and can get a total of 10 Magic Stones for clearing all 10 Quest Levels!

Furthermore, P&D Pass holders can get extra rewards!

See here for more details on the P&D Pass: 

Nightmare Street

[Duration]: 2/17, 18:00 - 3/3, 17:59 (PST)

The Special Dungeon, Nightmare Street, arrives!

Having Fest Exclusive Heroine monsters in your team in this dungeon will raise their parameters!

Players can collect Fest Exclusive Heroine Tickets as drops to exchange for limited-time monsters in the Monster Exchange!

Additionally, Psychopomp Princess of Oblivion, Grida will occasionally appear in Intermediate and Expert floors and will drop when defeated!

Fest Exclusive Heroine Colosseum!

[Duration]: 2/17, 18:00 - 3/3, 17:59 (PST)

The Special Dungeon, Fest Exclusive Heroine Colosseum!, arrives!

Having Fest Exclusive Heroine monsters in your team in this dungeon will raise their parameters!

Ash Phantom Demon of the Library, Ilmina will occasionally appear on route and will drop when defeated!

Setting Fest Exclusive Heroine monsters as your Leader when challenging this dungeon will increase your drop rate to 100%!

▼Example of Completion Reward

The 3-Player Multiplayer Dungeon, Multiplayer! Fest Exclusive Heroine Colosseum!, will be available as well!

*All teams must fulfill the conditions for the 3-Player Multiplayer dungeon to receive 100% drop rate.

Elaine Descended!

[Duration]: 2/17, 18:00 - 3/3, 17:59 (PST)

The Special Dungeon, Elaine Descended!, arrives!

Having Fest Exclusive Heroine monsters in your team in this dungeon will raise their parameters!

Guardian of the Lake, Elaine is guaranteed to drop upon defeating the boss!

The 3-Player Multiplayer Dungeon, Multiplayer! Elaine Descended!, will be available as well!

Skill Leveling Dungeon Fest Exclusive Heroine

[Duration]: 2/17, 18:00 - 3/3, 17:59 (PST)

The Special Dungeon, Skill Leveling Dungeon Fest Exclusive Heroine, arrives!

Using a monster in your team that has the same Skill as a monster in this dungeon will guarantee a Skill Up for that monster!

*In order to skill up in a dungeon, [Monster Leveling] must be turned On from [My Page] > [Options] > [Dungeon].

Story Dungeon Fest Heroine Chapter

[Duration]: 2/17, 18:00 - 3/3, 17:59 (PST)

The Story Dungeon, Fest Heroine Chapter, returns!

Players will receive first-time clear rewards such as Grimoire Bookmark!

Grimoire Bookmark is required to perform a Reincarnation Evolution for Ash Phantom Demon of Deliverance, Ilmina to turn into Ash Phantom Demon of Friendship, Ilmina. 

*If players have received the first-time clear rewards in a previous iteration, they will not receive the rewards again.

Other Quest Rewards

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