[Duration]: 11/1 (Sun), 12:00 AM - 11/30 (Mon), 11:59 PM (PST)
The November Quest Dungeons are here! For the month of November, three dungeons will be available: the Novice dungeon, the Intermediate dungeon, and the Expert dungeon!
Quest Rewards This month, you will be able to receive 10x Jewel in each of the five Attributes when all floors in the Intermediate dungeons are cleared.
Additionally, players will also receive one Jewel of Creation in the Novice dungeon and 4x Jewel of Creation in the Intermediate dungeon, for a total of 5x Jewel of Creation! The Jewel of Creation is necessary to perform evolutions such as assist evolutions, so don’t miss your chance to stock up!
Individual Rewards
November Quest Dungeon-Novice
All November Quest Dungeon-Novice Floors… Event Medal - Rainbow
Challenge Lv5-All Att. Req. … Jewel of Creation
Challenge Lv4-Tricolor… 3x Lil' Snow Globe Dragon Noir
Challenge Lv3… 3x Lil' Snow Globe Dragon Blanc
Challenge Lv2... 15,000 Pal Points
Challenge Lv1… 10,000,000 Coins
November Quest Dungeon-Intermediate
All November Quest Dungeon-Intermediate Floors… Event Medal - Rainbow
Hel Descended!... 4x Jewel of Creation
Surtr Descended!-All Att. Req…. 5x Latent TAMADRA (Skill Delay Resist.)
Deus ex Machina Descended!... 10x Jewel of Fire
Journey to the West… 10x Jewel of Water
Sonia Gran Descended!... 10x Jewel of Wood
Grimoires Descended!... 10x Jewel of Light
Zhao Yun Descended!... 10x Jewel of Darkness
Zeus Mercury Descended!... 3x Lil' Snow Globe Dragon Vert
Heracles Descended!... 3x Lil' Snow Globe Dragon Bleu
Hera-Is Descended!... 3x Lil' Snow Globe Dragon Rouge
Challenge Lv7-5x4 Board... 8-Year Anniversary TAMADRA
Challenge Lv6-No Wood... 888 +Points
November Quest Dungeon-Expert
All November Quest Dungeon-Expert Floors… Event Medal - Rainbow
Nimue Descended!... Ancient Tri-God Mask
Eris Descended!-All Att. Req… Super Snow Globe Dragon
Eir Descended!-No Skyfall Combos… Py Rush! Dungeon
Ultimate Dragon Rush!... 2x Latent TAMADRA (Dragon Killer)
Azazel Descended!... 2x Latent TAMADRA (God Killer)
Titania Descended!... 2x Latent TAMADRA (Devil Killer)
Ras Descended!... 2x Latent TAMADRA (Machine Killer)
Kuramitsuha Descended!-No Skyfall Combos… 2x Latent TAMADRA (Attacker Killer)
Khepri Descended!-Orb move time 4 sec… 2x Latent TAMADRA (Physical Killer)
Nordis Descended!-Special… 2x Latent TAMADRA (Healer Killer)
Challenge Lv10-No RCV… Latent TAMADRA (Extra Slot)
Challenge Lv9-★5 or lower/7x6 Board… Super Snow Globe Dragon
Challenge Lv8-Fixed Team … Diamond Dragon Fruit
Clear Reward Dungeon Details
Py Rush! Monsters This one-shot dungeon features each of the below monsters as drops!
Flampy Bubpy Woodpy Shynpy Badpy Rainbowpy
Notes: *For November Quest Dungeon-Novice only, players can earn 2 Magic Stones as clear rewards. *Each first-time clear reward can only be received once. *Quest Dungeons will be considered cleared upon having the clear rewards screen displayed after completing each floor. Clear rewards will be sent via in-game mail. *In order to claim clear rewards, please make sure to clear dungeons within 24 hours of the end time listed above. If a player is unable to clear the dungeon within this period, they will be unable to claim the quest reward. *Monthly Quest rewards can only be claimed by clearing the specific floors in the Monthly Quest Dungeon. Clearing regular Descended dungeons or other dungeons that appear elsewhere will not count as clearing each specific Quest. *Gifts via in-game mail have expiration dates. When an in-game mail expires, attached monsters, Magic Stones, Dungeons, Coins, and any points such as Pal Points will become unredeemable. For more details on in-game mail expiration dates, see here. *There may be a slight delay when receiving rewards via in-game mail. If a reward is not received immediately, please try returning to the title screen. *Clear rewards can only be obtained once. *All images and data displayed are in development and may be adjusted if necessary.