Reincarnated Sakuya has received a new Super Reincarnated Evolution! Also, Destroying Goddess of Power, Kali received a new Ultimate Evolution!
Super Reincarnation Evolution Notes Super Reincarnation Evolution is a special Evolution that can be performed after certain monsters have performed regular Reincarnation Evolution and reach Lv. Max.
If a monster has performed a Level Limit Breakthrough, they will lose the Level Limit Breakthrough after performing a Super Reincarnation Evolution.
If a monster has a Super Awakening, they will lose the Super Awakening after performing a Super Reincarnation Evolution.
A monster cannot devolve after performing a Super Reincarnation Evolution.
A monster’s level will return to Lv. 1 after performing a Super Reincarnation Evolution.
New Evolutions & Upgrades

Notes: *All images and data displayed are in development and may be adjusted if necessary. *If the changes are not displayed in-game, please try exiting the app completely and rebooting your device.