Great Witch of the Glowing Gates, Saline and Great Witch of the Phantom Souls, Veroah have received Assist Evolutions! Select monsters such as Masquerade Toy Dragon Caller, Cotton have received upgrades as well!
★New Gem in the Monster Exchange! Magic Dracosnake of the Evilfangs, Zahhak's Gem has been added to the Monster Exchange!

Monster Details

Active Skill Changes

Leader Skill Changes

Stat Changes

New Level Limit Breakthrough & Super Awakening *After meeting the Super Awakening conditions, one Super Awakening Skill will be randomly unlocked.

Level Limit Breakthrough Stat Adjustments
Promenading Moonlight Princess, Tsukuyomi Norn of Excursions, Verdandi Norn of Leisure, Verdandi Enshrined Primordial Divinity, Kamimusubi Yog-Sothoth, the Holy Night One Holy Night Hell Phantom Heiress, Romia New Year's Hunting Princess, Artemis Mistress of the Sanctuary, Kali Crimson Sun Longevity Dragon Caller, Kanna
Notes: *All images and data displayed are in development and may be adjusted if necessary. *If the changes are not displayed in-game, please try exiting the app completely and rebooting your device.