Rampant School Dragon, Viper Orochi has received an Ultimate Evolution! Select monsters such as Master Librarian Goddess, Kali have received upgrades!

Monster Details

Active Skill Changes

Leader Skill Changes

Awoken Skill Changes

Level Limit Breakthrough Stat Adjustments The following monsters have received improvements to their stats after performing a Level Limit Breakthrough.
Master Librarian Goddess, Kali Student Council President, Lucifer Scholarship Student, Isis Beautiful and Intelligent Scholarship Student, Isis Sincere Class Monitor, Athena Sacred Discipline Committee Chair, Athena Rampant School Dragon, Viper Orochi Campus Idol, Uruka
New Level Limit Breakthroughs & Super Awakenings
*The monsters listed below can now perform a Level Limit Breakthrough. *After meeting the Super Awakening conditions, one Super Awakening Skill will be randomly unlocked.

Notes: *All images and data displayed are in development and may be adjusted if necessary. *If the changes are not displayed in-game, please try exiting the app completely and rebooting your device.