[Duration]: 5/6 (Mon), 12:00 AM - 5/19 (Sun), 11:59 PM (UTC-8)
All the votes are in and tallied, which means it’s time to announce the selected Fest Exclusive monster that will be available in the Monster Exchange for a limited time!
With an overwhelming amount of votes, Toy Dragon Caller, Cotton has won and will be added to the Monster Exchange lineup for the duration listed above! Toy Dragon Caller, Cotton can only be exchanged for once.
Toy Dragon Caller, Cotton can be exchanged for at the Monster Exchange using Event Medal - Black or select Fest Exclusives. To see the full line-up of monsters that you can use to exchange for Toy Dragon Caller, Cotton, click the [+] button in the Monster Exchange after 5/6 (Mon), 12:00 AM (UTC-8).
See here, to learn more about Event Medal - Black.
Monster Details Toy Dragon Caller, Cotton (One-Time Only)

Notes: *These images show the monster level and skill level at their maximum values. The monster will not be at these values when purchased. *All images and data displayed are in development and may be adjusted if necessary. *See the Event category in the Monster Exchange after 5/6 (Mon), 12:00 AM (UTC-8) for full details on the exchange conditions. *All monsters that can be used to complete the exchange will be displayed after tapping the “+” button. *If monsters needed for the exchange are included on a player’s team, they cannot be selected for the exchange.