[Duration]: After the maintenance starting 3/7, 17:00 (PST) - 3/31, 23:59 (UTC-8)
For a limited time, 100 Magic Stones & March Super Select Egg Machine Set will be available for purchase! The March Super Select Egg Machine will feature monsters such as Flamie & Bubblie and Priscilla!
See below for more information on the bundle.
Price: $64.99(USD)
Special Set Contents
100 Magic Stones
March Super Select Egg Machine x5 Pulls
5x Event Medal - Black
*Players will be able to check the contents of the March Super Select Egg Machine by pressing the “Lineup” button from the Magic Stone Shop menu.
*All monsters from this Egg Machine will arrive at Max Level, Max Skill Level, Fully Awoken, and +297 (+99 HP, +99 ATK, +99 RCV).
Don’t miss this opportunity to stock up on Magic Stones and obtain Fest Exclusive monsters!