Notes Regarding Coins, Stackable Monsters, and + Points
The maximum amount of Coins you can hold at one time is 999,999,999,999.
The stackable limit for the same monster is 999,999 each.
The maximum amount of + Points you can hold at one time is 99,999,999.
Coins, stackable monsters, and + Points dropped and obtained beyond the capacity limit during a dungeon will not be obtained after clearing the dungeon.
Coins, stackable monsters, and + Points cannot be obtained beyond the capacity limit such as from selling monsters, in-game mail, and rewards.
Please note that there will not be a message stating that the capacity limit has been exceeded.
Note Regarding Pal Points
The maximum amount of Pal Points you can hold at one time is 500,000. Be aware that any additional Pal Points earned over this amount are automatically deleted.
If a player hits their Pal Point limit, they will no longer be able to receive Pal Points via the in-game mail.
Notes Regarding Egg Machines
Be sure to check the contents of each Egg Machine before pulling at them by pressing the “Lineup” button from the Machine menu.
Notes Regarding Login Stamp
Rewards will be sent to you via in-game mail.
Earned rewards can be viewed from [Others] > [Login Stamp(s)].
Rewards are obtainable based on the total number of days logged in during the event. It is not based on the specific login day.
Ex) For the Login Stamp Reward on Day 5:
Day 5 Reward can be received once the player has logged in 5 cumulative days during the event.
Players do not need to log in for 5 consecutive days to meet the requirement to receive the Day 5 Reward. Only the number of days logged in must total to 5.
Logging in on the 5th day of the month during the event will not reward players with the Day 5 Reward, as the number of days logged in will be 1.
(Day 1 Reward will be received.)
The login time frame counted as [1 day] varies depending on the event. Please check the specific time frame via in-game.
[Login Stamp(s)] may not be displayed when starting the game with a new account.
(Rewards will be received as normal. Earned rewards can be viewed from in-mail or [Others] > [Login Stamp(s)].) -
Depending on the player’s device, some parts of the [Login Stamp] screen may not be properly displayed.
(Rewards will be received as normal.)
Other Notes
The time displayed in-game is in UTC-8.
If a player’s in-game mailbox is full, they will be unable to receive special rewards through in-game mail. It is highly recommended that players delete unneeded mail in order to properly receive in-game mail.
If the event contents are not displayed in-game, please try exiting the app completely and rebooting your device.
Events are subject to change without notice or compensation - see event policy here.
Notes Regarding In-App Purchases
Please check the following before making any in-app purchases.
The contents of the item being purchased (Magic Stones, bundle contents, bonuses, purchase limit, and more)
For any items that include Egg Machines, please check the Egg Machine lineup.
Notes Regarding After Purchases
Magic Stones:
Magic Stones will be added immediately after the purchase is complete.
The amount of Magic Stones owned can be seen at the top right of the game screen. -
Monsters, Coins, and any type of Points:
Contents will be sent via in-game mail immediately after the purchase is complete. Players can check their mail by accessing the [Mail Box/Invites] screen from the [My Page] menu. -
Egg Machines:
Egg Machines will be sent via in-game mail immediately after the purchase is complete.
Other Notes
Special Sets and bundles can only be purchased once per Player ID for each duration.
If the contents are not added after the purchase is complete, please try returning to the title screen or restarting the app.
In-game mail in [Mail Box/Invites] have 60 days expiration dates except for the purchased items from the Magic Stone Shop. When an in-game mail expires, attached rewards will become unredeemable.
If a player’s in-game mailbox is full, they will be unable to receive the special Egg Machines through in-game mail. It is highly recommended that players delete unneeded mail in order to properly receive in-game mail.
If an unexpected occurrence happens and a user purchases a Magic Stone & Egg Machine bundle a second time, the second purchase will only give the user the Magic Stone(s).
For bundles that offer more than 1 Magic Stones for the price of one, the second purchase will only give the user 1 Magic Stone. -
Be sure to be in a place with a good network connection when making a purchase.
If a connection error occurs or the App closes before a Magic Stone purchase is completed or the Magic Stone & Egg Machine Bundle is not received, please do not try to purchase it again. Please contact the relevant app store to confirm whether the purchase was charged or not. For more details see here.
Refunds for completed purchases are not permitted under any circumstances.
Notes Regarding In-Game Names
As a reminder to all players, in-game names are covered under our Terms of Service and are subject to change at our discretion at any point in time. Should a game account be flagged as inappropriate, its name may be changed, at which point you may change it according to your preference. Please note that changing it back to what it was before or intentionally bypassing the chat filter to have a similarly ill-mannered name may result in additional sanctions being placed on the game account.
The purpose of this policy is not to limit or overly control the types of names players may utilize, but rather to prevent fraud and abuse. Replies will not be given to individual inquiries regarding which names may be considered inappropriate. Finally, we are unable to provide any details regarding investigations into ill-mannered names or possible actions taken against other player accounts.
We thank you for your understanding in this matter. Our full Terms of Service can be viewed here: https://pad.gungho.jp/member/app/en_tos/
Please note the information on this page is subject to change without notice or compensation.
Notes Regarding Events
Notes Regarding Dungeons
If your max Stamina is less than the Stamina value required to enter the dungeon, the dungeon will not appear. Stamina overflow does not change this requirement.
If monsters drop from dungeons with [+] on them, the points will be counted as + Points.
Bonuses such as higher rate of + points and invasion rates of specific monsters will only be applied during each specified bonus event duration. The bonuses will not apply if players enter the dungeon after the bonus event duration is over or if the bonus event ends while still in the dungeon.
When playing Multiplayer Mode, players cannot purchase Magic Stones at the continue screen.
In order for monsters to gain EXP or Skill Up in a dungeon, [Monster Leveling] must be turned On from [My Page] > [Options] > [Dungeon].
[Monster Leveling] can only be applied in solo-play mode.
Notes Regarding Clear Rewards
Dungeons will be considered cleared upon having the clear rewards screen displayed after completing them. Clear rewards will be sent via in-game mail.
Dungeons must be completed within 24 hours from the end of the duration of availability to receive the clear reward(s). If a player is unable to clear the dungeon within this period, they will be unable to claim the dungeon reward.
Clear rewards can only be obtained once.
Rewards will be sent via in-game mail to the [My Page] menu’s Mail Box/Invites screen after a dungeon floor is cleared. Please advise that it may take time for the in-game mail to arrive.
Gifts via in-game mail have expiration dates. When an in-game mail expires, attached monsters, Magic Stones, Dungeons, Coins, and any points such as Pal Points will become unredeemable.
For more details on in-game mail expiration dates, see here. -
Dungeons sent via in-game mail will not reward players with a Magic Stone for clearing.
Notes Regarding the Monster Exchange
All monsters that can be used to complete the exchange will be displayed after tapping the “+” button.
If monsters needed for the exchange are included on a player’s team, they cannot be selected for the exchange
Notes Regarding In-App Videos
The ability to watch in-app videos will be reset at 4:00 (UTC-8) every day.
Once all in-app videos have been viewed, a countdown timer will be displayed to signify the remaining time until the next reset.
Please note that if the time passes 4:00 (UTC-8) while watching an in-app video, that view will be counted towards the view count after the reset.
Data transmission will occur while watching the in-app video.
Rewards will not be given if the specified watch time for the in-app video is not met.
If the specified watch time is not met for the in-app video, it will not count towards the remaining view count and will be available to view again.
If you are unavailable to view the in-app video, please refer to the FAQ on the Puzzle & Dragons official website under the “About In-App Videos” section.
For the Puzzle & Dragons FAQ page, see here.
Notes Regarding EXP Stock
Sell Monsters
In [Sell Monsters], players can obtain the same amount of EXP Stock as the Power-Up Fusion EXP the sold monster offers. -
Clear Rewards
5% of the Monster EXP obtained in the dungeon will become EXP Stock.
*Players can obtain EXP Stock even if the [Monster Leveling] is [OFF] in [My Page] > [Options] > [Dungeon].
*EXP Stock cannot be used in Power-Up Fusions that use monsters as materials.