Version 14.1 has arrived, and it brings stackable Evo Materials, new Latent Awoken Skills, New Reincarnation Evolution, Monster Exchange interface improvements, and more!
Stackable Evo Materials Evo Materials will be stacked in the Monster Box. *Players are no longer able to set Evo Materials as Favorites or Assists. If any monsters were set as Favorites or Assists prior to the update, that status will no longer be applied after the update.

*When selecting the CHR sort function, Evo Materials will now be displayed at the top.
When editing your Teams, visiting the Monster Exchange, or performing a Power-Up Fusion, players can select multiples of the same monster by tapping the monster thumbnail multiple times.

When selling stacked monsters, please select the amount you would like to sell.

*The Evo Materials required to evolve Gunma and Super Gunma will be changed. The monsters listed below will have their Types changed: Super Shimonita Leek: Evo Material > Healer Super Shimonita Konjac: Evo Material > Physical Super Tsumagoi Cabbage: Evo Material > Balanced
New Ultimate Evolutions & Upgrades

Select monsters such as Awoken Andromeda and Awoken Sun Wukong have received Reincarnated Evolutions! Light Music Club's Kirin Princess, Sakuya has received an Ultimate Evolution! Also, select monsters such as Reincarnated Pandora and Beautiful and Intelligent Scholarship Student, Isis have received upgrades!
See here for more information on the new Ultimate Evolutions & Upgrades.
See here for more information on the additional Level Limit Breakthroughs.
Pal Point Maximum Capacity Increased The maximum amount of Pal Points obtainable has been increased from 25,000 to 50,000.
New Latent Awoken Skills Added New Latent Awoken skills such as Fire Dmg Reduction+ have been added!

Evo Search Function Added The Evo Search function has been added to monster details screen. Players can check the Monster Evo Line and if the player possess the monsters in the Monster Evo Line.

Monster Exchange Interface Improvements Lineup can be sorted by pressing the Change Order button in the upper right corner of the screen.

Monsters that are on teams and cannot be used for an exchange will now have “In-Use” displayed on the thumbnail.

Check Ranking Dungeon Rewards In-Game Rewards can be checked by pressing the “Rewards” button on the Ranking Dungeon screen.

*Image is an example.
Various Bug Fixes and Improvements Bug fixes and other adjustments have been implemented to improve overall player experience.
Notes: *All images and data displayed are in development and may be adjusted if necessary.